Hamster Cage of Shagginess

imageTo some people, hamsters are tiny, smelly rodents. To other people, they’re adorable tiny, smelly rodents. Whatever your opinion, if you plan to adopt one you’ll need to do your hamster a favor and not buy one of those colorful, wiry cages at PetSmart.

Hamsters may be tiny, but they’ll need as big a tank as you can find. The bigger the better. They love to move around, climb, and dig. You’ll want to fill the tank with a couple inches of bedding, so they can dig tunnels.

Exercise is important for hamsters! This means that you need to get a bigger wheel that is large enough for the hamster to run without having to scrunch up its back.

Syrian hamsters, also known as golden or teddy bear hamsters, are a very common breed. It is important to note that they are solitary creatures that prefer to live alone.

Humane Society: Hamster Housing

Youtube: Good and Bad Hamster Cages